Czech Republic - National Lower House Elections (1996)

Party Votes Vote Percentage Seats
P10-Moravian National Party and Movement for Silesian-Moravian Unification 16580 0.25% 0
P11-Democratic Union 169796 2.58% 0
P12-Pensioners for a Secure Life 187455 2.85% 0
P13-Democratic Left Party 7740 0.12% 0
P14-Czech and Moravian Center Union 27490 0.42% 0
P15-Czech Right 2808 0.04% 0
P16-Czech and Moravian Communist Party 733894 11.16% 22
P17-Movement for Autonomous Moravia and Silesia-Moravian National Unification 25198 0.38% 0
P2-Czech Social Democracy Party 1673509 25.46% 61
P3-Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People's Party 563208 8.57% 18
P4-Assembly for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia 531124 8.08% 18
P5-Left Block 85122 1.29% 0
P6-Civic Democratic Alliance 487279 7.41% 13
P7-Freedom Party-Liberal National Social Party 124165 1.89% 0
P8-Civic Democratic Party 1907930 29.02% 68
P9-Independent 30125 0.46% 0
TOTAL 6573423   200

See the Global Elections Database codebook for further information about the election results.

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