Slovakia - National Lower House Elections (1994)

Party Votes Vote Percentage Seats
P9-Democratic Party 98555 3.43% 0
P8-Assembly for the Republic-Republicans 1410 0.05% 0
P7-Party Against Corruption-for Order Work and Money for All Decent Citizens 37929 1.32% 0
P6-Democratic Union of Slovakia 246444 8.57% 15
P5-Common Choice-Party of the Democratic Left Social Democratic Party of Slovakia Green Party of Slovakia 299496 10.42% 18
P4-Hungarian Coalition 292936 10.19% 17
P3-Association for Workers in Slovakia 211321 7.35% 13
P2-Social Democracy 7121 0.25% 0
P1-Movement for a Prosperous Czechoslovakia 30292 1.05% 0
P18-Social Democratic Party of Slovakia 3573 0.12% 0
P17-Christian Social Union of Slovakia 59217 2.06% 0
P16-Coalition of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia-Agricultural Party of Slovakia 1005488 34.97% 61
P15-Christian Democratic Movement 289987 10.08% 17
P14-Slovak National Party 155359 5.40% 9
P13-Roma Civic Inititative in the Slovak Republic 19542 0.68% 0
P12-Communist Party of Slovakia 78419 2.73% 0
P11-New Slovakia 38369 1.33% 0
TOTAL 2875458   150

See the Global Elections Database codebook for further information about the election results.

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