Lithuania - National Lower House Elections (1992)

Party Votes Vote Percentage Seats
P15-Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deportees Union 5807 0.31% 0
P29-Other 45567 2.43% 0
P2-Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 12262 0.65% 0
P37-Lithuanian Democratic Party 9024 0.48% 0
P3-Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 958751 51.16% 44
P42-Citizens Charter of the Republic of Lithuania 12473 0.67% 0
P44-Revolutionary Movement of Lithuania 430788 22.99% 18
P50-Union of Poles of Lithuania 52679 2.81% 3
P51-Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party-Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees- Lithuanian Democratic Party 234368 12.51% 10
P5-Lithuanian Social Democratic Party 112410 6.00% 5
TOTAL 1874129   80

See the Global Elections Database codebook for further information about the election results.

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